Friday, May 18, 2012

Welcome Home.

Welcome to Coming Home. Let me introduce myself; I am Melissa and its so nice to have you stop by. I am a Christian, homeschooling, crafty, food loving, single, stay at home working mommy actively striving to become more self sufficient.

Please forgive me for my novice blogging posts they might be a little short or too long, too full of information or not enough.

The concept of blogging is still a little weird to me. I follow blogs of different people like Leigh Anne Wilkes and Kandee Johnson; thinking to myself how rich and full their lives are with so many people and adventures. So what in the world do I have to blog about? Do I blog like a journal or do I create something to blog about? Well Leigh Anne was interviewed by Dave Anderson for KATU am northwest about how to be a successful blogger. Her advice to write what your passionate about sounds simple enough.

So what am I passionate about? Faith, crafting, food, homeschooling, sustainable living, gardening, life in general really. There are thousands of blogs about those subjects so how do set myself apart from them? I guess that is a trial and error thing really. For the most part I know that my desire to be more self-sustaining in all aspects of life is what I will be blogging about because it blankets a wide variety of subjects.

One example is food. I love to cook but being pre-diabetic and having hypertension I have to be careful with what I eat. By cooking at home I can be adventurous with my meal planning which means I need to grow food for those meals. Canning and freezing meals are always on my list of priorities because they not only give us food all year but also gives me more time to do other things.

By saving myself time I am able to focus on things like art projects with my daughter or figuring out if I can raise chickens affordably. Growing up my family was never near wealthy or even middle class but poor doesn't seem to fit us either. We learned to make do and I feel that I had a great childhood overall because of those hard but creative times. Now that so many people today are in the same financial row boat I hope that I can share my own experiences along with tips on how to live great for little or nothing. So come with me as I dive deeper into this adventure of blogging.

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